Adept Managed Continuity provides MSPs with a comprehensive managed continuity solution to ensure the resiliency of their client‘s businesses. The automation platform transforms the way MSPs create disaster recovery plans and helps generate new recurring revenue streams. AdeptMC removes the bottlenecks that occur when MSPs test their clients’ recovery plans.
We have suspended AdeptMC commercial sales and are working to develop its business continuity functionality with our backup monitoring offering Backup Radar. Together, they will provide a comprehensive disaster recovery (DR) planning and backup monitoring, reporting, and compliance platform for MSPs.
Backup Radar empowers IT professionals to easily manage backups and protect client data, reducing risk and saving time. Backup Radar automates monitoring of over 300 backup apps, providing complete visibility into backups and data protection, helping to unreported, failed, or missed backup, while automating the ticket management process with PSA tools.