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ScalePad’s Automation Solution Handbook
Discover why MSPs consider Lifecycle Manager and Backup Radar as the most valuable apps in their stack. 
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Reporting for ConnectWise

Detailed Reports for Data-driven Decisions

Each of our 130+ interactive reports have been crafted to meet the demands of experienced MSP leaders using ConnectWise Manage (PSA).
Cognition360 Single dashboard

Reporting from a Data Warehouse

Using the first data warehouse optimized for ConnectWise Manage data takes the reporting load off the production server.

This also allows Cognition360 to report over time — even when ConnectWise doesn’t record historic values.

Cognition360 Data analysis

Ask Deeper Questions

Data you can trust is pulled from ConnectWise Manage to create reports with valuable insights and predictive analysis.

Start asking ‘what if’ to see your future trajectory. Want to get to the source data? It’s always there, just below the surface. Use the ‘Drill’ function to find it.

The Top Ten

These are the first reports to master. Get a magnified look at your team, profitability, projects, and common issues.
Get started worry-free with a 30-day guarantee.

  • Cognition360 Team Utilization dashboard
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    Team Utilization
    Utilization and realization data for full teams and individuals. See trends over the last 12 months and compare utilization of different team members.
  • Cognition360 Agreement Profitability dashboard
    Click to Expand
    Agreement Profitability
    Profitability of agreements with tracking over time of the agreement value changes versus actual labor. Report also shows trends on monthly margins and billing (effective) rates.
  • Cognition360 Project Profitability
    Click to Expand
    Project Profitability
    Profit reporting for projects. Shows Closed and Active data, across labor and overall project profit.
  • Cognition360 Project Summary Dashboard
    Click to Expand
    Project Summary

    See if projects are on track for budget or not and if you have adequate resources for all projects.

    · View active or closed projects
    · Sort by organization, project manager or customer.
    · Drill through to project phase, ticket and labor data.
    · Shows resource information, whether it’s active or scheduled.

  • Cognition360 Agreement Renewal dashboard
    Click to Expand
    Agreement Renewals

    Based on the value of the End Date of the agreement, see agreements that:

    · Have ended in the last 30 days
    · Are ending in the next 30 days
    · Are ending in the next 31-90 days
    · Agreements close to a yearly anniversary

  • Click to Expand
    Time Entry Benchmark

    See if your team meets the industry standard for Time Entry Quality. This report measures how quickly times are entered and the amount of recorded hours. This helps you coach employees on time entry.

    Improving Time Entry Quality directly relates to profitability. A low time entry score can indicate that billable hours are left on the table.

    Overlap time data is also available in this report.

  • Click to Expand
    Quarterly Business Review

    While you may already use Lifecycle Insights and Lifecycle Manager to manage and inform your QBRs, Cognition360 provides:

    · Ticket and Agreement metrics on Active and Closed tickets.
    · Tickets entered and resolved in the last and previous months and quarters.
    · Common Issues data on who is submitting tickets, with ticket Type, Subtype and Item analysis.
    · Customer Satisfaction data if it is available CW Manage.
    · Computer Information from the configuration device data.

  • Cognition360 Agreement Invoice Dashboard
    Click to Expand
    Agreement Invoice Comparison

    Quickly review month on month differences ahead of billing to customers. See agreement invoicing for last, current, and next period. This lets you identify which agreements are showing differences.

  • Cognition360 Common Issues dashboard
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    Common Issues

    Analyze common issues your organization is working on. Choose your date range and compare it to the last 12 months. Uses data across ticket Type, Subtype and Item for tickets and labor (hours/Costs).

  • Click to Expand
    Ticket KPIs

    Shows ticket KPIs and metrics for Closed tickets over a selected period. Filters available on Business Unit and Board. Look at data views for the Business Unit, Board, Customer, and Technician who resolved the ticket.

Seven categories of interactive MSP reports

These are the core reports created from your ConnectWise Manage data. Everything from sales to customer satisfaction, and the work that goes on in between.
Agreement Reports
Agreement Labor Forecast
Agreement Cross Sell
Agreement Renewals
Benchmark Reports
Time Entry Benchmark
Ticket Quality Benchmark
Customer Reports
Customer Business Review
Customer Interactions
Customer Review
Customer Rating
Quarterly Business Review
Finance Reports
Agreement Addition Billing
Agreement Additions (New - Canceled)
Agreement Churn
Agreement Future Billing
Agreement Hard Costs
Agreement Invoice Comparison
Agreement Lifetime Value
Agreement Product Profitability
Agreement Profitability
Common Issues
Customer Profitability
Invoice Payments
Labor Work Type Costs
Project Profitability
Quote to Cash
Service Profitability
Staff Profitability
Time Entry Billing
Project Reports
Active Project Tickets
Project Phase Details
Project Resource Efficiency
Project Schedule Compliance
Project Summary
Resource Availability Planning
Sales Reports
Opportunity Dashboard
Products Sold
Sales Activities
Sales Audit Analysis
Sales Dashboard
Sales Orders
Sales Pipeline
Sales Pipeline Tracker
Sales Ranking
Sales Revenue Tracker
Sales Stage Tracking
Ticket Products
Service Delivery Reports
Active Tickets
Active Ticket Closure Analysis
Charge Codes
Common Issues (Service Delivery)
Configuration Tickets
Customer Teams
Data overview (Workspace only)
Labour Capacity Overages
Reopened Tickets
Schedule Compliance
Team Utilization
Team Utilization (Last 7 Days)
Technician Efficiency
Technician Review
Ticket Audit Analysis
Ticket Daily Stats
Ticket KPIs
Ticket Labour Analysis
Ticket Lifecycle
Ticket SLA Breaches
Ticket SLA Insights
Wo rk Type Usage

Need Something Special?

You know exactly what you need, and didn’t see it above. Maybe it’s commission payouts on a model that’s specific to your organization, for example, and you’d like all your reports in one place. Let’s figure it out together.

Cognition360 offers three levels of self service, with the first one included in every subscription.

See Pricing
Cognition 360 Reports