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The Future of GRC: How MSPs Can Protect SMB Clients and Unlock New Opportunities

Published October 17, 2024
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Evan Pappas

As MSPs, you’re no stranger to the increasing cybersecurity threats that affect all businesses. But what may surprise your SMB clients is that they’re often the primary targets of cyberattacks.

With our growing dependence on technology, even small companies face the same daunting cybersecurity challenges as large enterprises. So how can you help your clients protect themselves while expanding your own service offerings?

The answers MSPs have found are Governance, Risk Management, and Compliance (GRC) services to protect your clients and help them thrive.

GRC services help establish the proper policies and procedures to let businesses meet ever-increasing security standards. With a set of best practices and governance in pursuit of security, your MSP’s clients can meet cybersecurity compliance requirements and protect themselves.

Many of your SMB clients handle sensitive data daily, from financial information to customer records. A breach for them could mean lost revenue and irreparable damage to client trust. 

The cost of cybercrime is projected to hit $9.22 trillion in 2024 and $15.6 trillion by 2029, so the stakes couldn’t be higher. While many SMBs believe they’re too small to be targeted, nearly 90% of cyberattacks target small—to mid-size businesses

Why SMBs Need GRC Services

Many small businesses think cyberattacks only happen to big companies. They don’t realize that cybercriminals are increasingly targeting SMBs due to perceived vulnerabilities and fewer resources to defend against attacks. 

What has long been an enterprise problem is now a critical issue for smaller companies. For example, 46% of ransomware attacks in 2023 resulted in losses between $1 million and $10 million—figures that could cripple most small businesses. 

As an MSP, you can provide your clients with the expertise and tools to mitigate these risks. By helping them implement GRC best practices, you can ensure they follow the right frameworks and security protocols to protect sensitive data, maintain compliance, and reduce liability. 

How GRC Empowers MSPs to Offer New Services

GRC doesn’t just protect your clients—it opens up new business opportunities for MSPs. By guiding your clients through GRC processes, you can be a trusted advisor and offer Compliance-as-a-Service (CaaS) or virtual CISO (vCISO) services. 

These services are growing in demand as companies look for ways to stay compliant with frameworks like NIST, SOC 2, and ISO 27001 without dedicating internal resources to security.

For MSPs like Plus1 Technology, automating compliance tasks, continuous monitoring, and managing frameworks for clients make it easy to offer and scale those services. They’ve been using ControlMap as their central compliance tool to organize and execute their GRC and cybersecurity service for clients 

The Business Benefits of GRC for Your Clients

Beyond security, GRC can give your SMB clients significant business advantages:

  • Trust and client retention: Compliance builds trust with customers, vendors, and partners, giving your clients a competitive edge.
  • Market expansion: Once compliant with one framework, businesses can easily achieve compliance with others, opening doors to new markets like finance, healthcare, or government contracts.
  • Increased operational efficiency: Automating compliance processes allows your clients to focus on growth rather than managing security risks manually.

For your clients, achieving compliance isn’t just about avoiding fines or avoiding legal trouble—it’s about making their businesses more competitive and resilient.

How MSPs Can Help Clients Get Started with GRC

Many SMBs don’t have the internal expertise or bandwidth to handle GRC on their own, which is why they turn to MSPs. By implementing a GRC framework, you can help your clients:

  • Assess their current cybersecurity posture
  • Identify risks and compliance gaps
  • Implement necessary controls and policies
  • Continuously monitor compliance to stay ahead of threats

This proactive approach will protect your clients from attacks and position you as an indispensable partner in their long-term growth.

Leverage GRC to Grow Your MSP Business

By adopting GRC services, MSPs can add significant value to their client relationships. These services help clients stay secure, avoid costly breaches, and expand into new markets—while giving MSPs a scalable, repeatable offering that grows with their client base.

If you’re ready to help your clients navigate the complex world of GRC and improve their cybersecurity posture, resources like ScalePad’s ControlMap platform can help you manage these services efficiently and effectively.

Interested in developing your MSP’s compliance capabilities? Learn more about ControlMap’s cybersecurity and compliance features by watching our on-demand demo now
