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A better way is the new default way to view created quotes

As people of culture (or possibly aging Simpsons fans), I’m sure you are already aware that default is the two sweetest words in the English language. We’ve been beta testing and tweaking our enhanced Quotes list for the past several months, and we’re now ready to officially make the new version the default that you will see when you access Quoter.

For everyone else who wants to know what’s new, read on!

What is better in the new default Quotes List?

The Quoter team has made a whole slew of updates that will improve your experience vs the legacy list view. Let’s dive into a few.

Retrieve relevant quotes without manual filtering

The old quotes list required you to manually filter and sort quotes each time you came to the quotes list. The inability to save filtered views meant pulling up the time-consuming and repetitive.

That’s old and busted.

With the new Quotes List, you can save filters to create the Saved Views you want. No more starting from scratch each time. 

Customize the quote list 

New fields to filter the list include:

Margins are also green-red colour-coded to highlight your most profitable and least profitable deals. 

Customize columns

Fixed columns limited your flexibility to include the most relevant data… so those are gone. Now you can select which columns to display when viewing the Quotes List, and there’s a whole list to choose from:

Once you’ve selected the columns you want, just click Done and you’ve saved your choices. Your new layout saves with the filtered view, so you’ll have the columns you’ve set there when you load a saved view.

Whether you want to take a 30,000 foot view of every potential piece of business that’s in the pipeline, or zoom down to just see what needs to be followed up from a specific week in December 2024 for one of a key customer’s locations, Quoter has you covered.

Identify quotes at different Stages

We learned that users were tracking quote stages manually outside the Quoter system, leading to inefficiencies and missed opportunities as quotes moved (or didn’t move) through the pipeline. Expired quotes had to be manually tracked through external processes, leading to missed follow-ups.

Quote Stage fixes that. It’s one of the biggest wins for viewing quotes, as it helps with follow-up actions and decision-making. 

Stage – what are the Quote Stages that you can select?

Sorting quotes into Stages is a much more granular way to view quotes. This allows you to prioritize tasks effectively: 

We think Stages are a better way to look at Quotes because you can make better managerial decisions when you see them from this view. Filter and select by these Stages:

Colour-coded progress bars in the list help identify key actions that may be needed. This Help Center article has all the details about how these Stages are created. Setting and moving quotes between Stages happens automatically behind the scenes by Quoter.

Is there anything missing from the new Quotes List that was in the old list?

The only feature that has not been replicated from the old list is the ability to export a Line Item .csv file. 

Why so confident that this should be the new default?

TL;DR your team will be more efficient working from the new default view.

The ability to customize columns, refine quote filtering by Status and Stage, and most importantly save the views that you create should be a huge aid to anyone using Quoter, whether you’re managing your own work or managing multiple teams. Quickly access relevant quotes without repetitive manual filtering, further streamline your workflows, and gain deeper insights into quote performance.

Are you already using Quoter? Please let us know what you think in the comments in this Community Product Update; is de-fault the two sweetest words in the English language, or is it not quite sweet enough for your taste yet?

Not quoting with Quoter yet? Speak with your ScalePad Partner Success Manager, or book yourself in for a demo to see what you’re missing.

See Quoter in action

Send only the quotes you want to only the (integrated) tools you want

We’re making pushing quotes to integrations more flexible by including a per-status push toggle.

We’ve heard you. There are times when you don’t want to update your PSA or CRM with quote details from Quoter. 

This feature puts the power in the hands of your MSP to determine when quote details should be pushed to your integrations. Push only quotes in relevant statuses and cut the clutter.

Does per-status push work with every CRM or PSA that Quoter integrates with?

Almost! Toggling per-status push quotes works with these:


ConnectWise PSA (Manage), Autotask, Kaseya BMS, and HaloPSA. The latter already had the ability to push Won Quotes (quotes in a status of Accepted, Ordered, or Fulfilled), but all other native Quoter PSA integrations always pushed quotes to the integration independent of the status they are moving into. Now there’s flexibility.

CRM systems

Salesforce, Zoho, Hubspot, and Pipedrive. For Pipedrive and Hubspot, the push by quote status can also be configured by Pipelines.

Not in scope

The only Quoter-integrated PSA and CRMs that per-status push will not work with are Syncro, Agile, Nutshell, Highrise, and OnePage. 

What are the status options that you can select?

Any Won Quotes can be selected; these are quotes in a status of Accepted, Ordered, or Fulfilled.

Is it all really that simple?

Truly. Here’s a Help Center article on how to get it set up, but it’s as easy as going into the settings for the desired integration under Settings > Integrations > Edit Integration and selecting the checkboxes you want.

Already a ScalePad Partner using Quoter? Please let us know what you think in the comments in this Community Product Update; did we hit the mark with the status-selectable push quotes?

Not using Quoter yet? Speak with your ScalePad Partner Success Manager, or book yourself in for a demo to see what you’re missing.

See Quoter in Action

Want to skip the backstory and dive right into it? Reference documentation for v0.1.0 of the Quoter API is here: Quoter partners can generate API keys and jump right in.

Everyone else, read on!

Enhancing Automation in Quoter

Quoter has expanded its API capabilities by introducing new endpoints for Quote Templates and Quotes. These additions enhance integration options, streamline workflows, and improve quoting efficiency for businesses.

If you joined us for Ignition, it’s no secret that ScalePad is building deeper integrations between its own products. The Quoter API functionality here is a foundational first step towards bringing Quoter’s capabilities into Lifecycle Manager to create quotes from Initiatives, a win for users of both products. This full functionality is not there yet, but you can see what we’re building towards.

With that caveat in mind, let’s dive into the features, use cases, and current limitations of these Quoter API endpoints.

Quote Templates Endpoint

As the name suggests, the Quote Templates endpoint enables users to retrieve a list of existing quote templates. This feature provides a standardized foundation for creating quotes, ensuring consistency across the organization.

Key Endpoint

How It Can Be Used

The List Quote Templates endpoint is ideal for identifying and applying the right template for specific quotes. MSPs offering varied products or services can leverage this to ensure all quotes align with pre-approved formats and branding.


Quotes Endpoints

The new Quotes endpoints provide tools for programmatically creating and retrieving quotes, making it easier to integrate Quoter with external systems and automate workflows.

Key Endpoints

Create Quote Endpoint

This is an early-stage piece that, as the name suggestions, creates draft quotes. Remember up at the outset when we mentioned this API was part of what we’re building out to create quotes from Lifecycle Manager Initiatives? Create Quotes is a key part of that first step. 

Looking for other creative ideas? Look no further:

How it Can Be Used

Limitations for Quote Creation

While the Create Quote endpoint introduces powerful automation capabilities, there are some significant initial limitations to be aware of:

  1. Draft Only: All quotes created via the API are saved as Draft Quotes.
  2. Line Items: Users can include line items in the POST payload, and these will be added to the draft quote. However, the API does not currently support automatically including line items associated with the supplied Quote Template.
  3. File Attachments and Custom Fields: File attachments and custom fields tied to a Quote Template will not be applied to the created quote.
  4. Ownership: Draft Quotes are created with the owner set as the user who generated the API key in Quoter.
  5. Access Restrictions: Links to created quotes will only work for authenticated Quoter users with Sales Manager or higher permissions.

How These Endpoints Can Be Used

The introduction of these endpoints allows MSPs to enhance their quoting processes in several ways:

Want to get started?

Keeping in mind that this is all early stage and functionality is limited, if you want to dive in, reference documentation for v0.1.0 of the Quoter API is here:

To get started using the API, everything you need is right in Quoter – all Quoter partners can generate API keys and jump right in.

The Road Ahead

These new endpoints mark a significant milestone in Quoter’s API development. While there are some current limitations, they lay the foundation for more robust features in the future. MSPs can begin leveraging these tools today to enhance automation and optimize their quoting workflows. ScalePad is going to use them to bring our product suite together to improve your workflows in our software too.

And speaking of the road ahead, while the Bill Gates / Nathan Myhrvold / Peter Rinearson book The Road Ahead is 30 years old now (wasn’t 1995 just 20 years ago? Can’t be 30, can it?), we should not be distracted from the fact that just three years later, in 1998, The Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell, and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer’s table.

Stay tuned for more updates as Quoter continues to evolve its API capabilities and unlocks even greater potential for integration and automation.

Not using Quoter yet? Speak with your ScalePad Partner Success Manager, or book yourself in for a demo to see what you’re missing.

See Quoter in action

We are thrilled to announce several powerful new enhancements to our Quoter and HaloPSA integration. These updates bring improved security, expanded functionality, and greater efficiency to your workflow. Here’s an overview of the new features and how they benefit our mutual Quoter and Halo partners.

New Enhancements

1. HaloPSA Authentication Using Client ID and Secret

What’s New?


How It Works:

2. HaloPSA Opportunity Creation

What’s New?


How It Works:

3. HaloPSA Lead Support 

Hot tip: Quoter is the only quoting solution integrated with Halo that provides this!

What’s New?


How It Works:

4. Sales Order (SO) Creation

What’s New?


How It Works:

5. Purchase Order (PO) Capture and Push

What’s New?


How It Works:

6. Support for HaloPSA Suppliers

What’s New?


How It Works:

7. Quoter Quote PDF Push to Halo Opportunity

What’s New?


How It Works:


These new enhancements to the Quoter and HaloPSA integration are designed to provide a more secure, efficient, and streamlined experience. By leveraging these features, our mutual partners can enhance their operational workflows, reduce costs, and improve overall productivity.

We’re committed to continuously improving our integration to meet your needs. If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out. Happy Quoting!


The complexities of distributor supply chains can feel like a moving target when Quoting. It’s important that any changes to pricing or availability on hardware are updated on a Quote to protect your profit margin and ensure procurement. 

We’ve pushed an update to improve the user experience when revising or drafting a Quote using one (or more) of our integrated distributors. Our system will check and provide prompts on any changes to pricing and/or availability of quoted hardware.

Distributors that integrate with Quoter:

How it works:

IT Service Providers that integrate any of our distributors with Quoter will see where the item is being sourced on the Quote Line:

Quote line item sourced from Synnex with confirmed pricing and availability.

1. When making a revision on a Quote, we’ll automatically show you any distributor items that are no longer available, have changed in price, or have a lower price available from a different distributor – no action is needed by you, it’s fully automated.

Quote line item sourced from Ingram Micro with a lower-cost product found at Synnex.

2. Quotes that have been saved as a draft will also do a real-time check with the items on your Quote against all of your integrated distributors. One-click: visual feedback and actionable insights.

Multiple distributors are supported within a single Quote.

This update to Distributor Pricing and Availability is live on all Quoter Accounts.

Questions or feedback? Let your support rep know or ask for a demo!

See more details in our knowledge base article.
