ScalePad Automation Solution Handbook cover
ScalePad’s Automation Solution Handbook
Discover why MSPs consider Lifecycle Manager and Backup Radar as the most valuable apps in their stack. 
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Optimize MSP Profitability

See your money moving

Follow the money getting lost on agreements and projects. Get the insight MSPs need to optimize profitability.
Cognition360 Financial Data
Cognition360 Data analysis

See the full financial picture

Other tools can’t zoom out — or into the cause. Our customized reporting lets you see exactly where money comes and goes.

Cognition360 Unlock data

Unlock profitability

See which clients and projects turn a profit. And for the ones that miss the mark, uncover what exactly is holding your revenue ransom.

Cognition360 targets

Targets to aim for

Give your team real targets. Hard targets for hours and dollars are developed from best-in-class industry practices and aligned with your data.

Cognition360 finding the right data

Your future finances

Historical and present data isn’t enough. Peek into the future with intelligent logic that uses trends to reveal the potential value of new client agreements.

Cognition360 reporting from ConnectWise

Cost by client

The Agreement Profitability and Agreement Invoice Comparison reports let you track agreements and identify clients to cut ties with.

Cognition360 reporting tool

Project or problem?

Stop sending your best techs out for chump change. The Project Profitability report tells you if projects are bringing in profits or problems.

Business Intelligence toolkit

Technicians and time

Align the skills, costs, and time of multiple technicians with Labor Work Type Costs, Staff Profitability, and Time Entry Billing reports.

Start following the money

See pricing for Cognition360’s CFO-ready financial reports.
See Pricing

A better bottom line, one report at a time

Cinos uses Cognition360 to streamline their reporting process for financials, saving time and money in the process.
Read Story
Cognition360 and CINOS customer story